Friday, March 27, 2009

Passport De-virginized

You never forget your first time... the anticipation, the nervousness, not knowing what to do or where to go, the butterflies... and then I realized I was in customs in New Zealand handing over my passport for it's very first stamp. My first stamp!!!

That was at 5:15am NZ time... I quickly found a cabbie who even though he was speaking English I had NO friggin clue what he said and I'm sure he thinks I'm half-retarded. He kept telling me not to get drunk and party too much, which means he was either just looking out for me or I gave him the impression that that's my status quo- either way I was a littel offended and just nodded along... Until I looked at the cab fare and it was $90 bucks! Then I realized that's only like $45 US dollars (whew)

My hotel is called the Shakespeare Brewery and Hotel... that's right, I'm staying at a bar that has a little room for slot machines, a bar, and upstairs 10 suites that look like studio apartments... and here's the kicker... It's open 24 hours a day! They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and all the local brew (which they brew in-house) and it's so cheap...

Of course, since I'm me, nothing can ever go smoothly without drama! My cell phone will not pick up a signal, and my wireless card does not work out here. Currrently I'm at a little internet cafe across the street...

I'll post pictures when I can figure out how to upload them! Here's where my lack of technology skills are coming back to bite me...


  1. HEY SISTER!!! So what's up, your phone isn't working over there!? AHHH! I wanted to be able to talk to you while you were over there! E-mail me when you can so we can still chat: I wanna hear everything!

  2. oh the passport experience!! isnt it great! the butterflies happen EVERYTIME no matter how many times you cross borders! lol I always think dogs are going to accidently mistake my hair spray for drugs I really don't have! lol
    Last time I traveled I was super excited about getting a new stamp and all they did was swipe my book! I looked at the guy and said "u forgot my stamp" his response "we don't stamp here, NEXT" lol
